Milo is a nine months old puppy. According to the people at the shelter he’s a mix of black Tibetan Terrier and Border Collie. Me, I’ll just call his breed “Mutt Terrier.”

I was afraid that my “we live here in San Francisco but we’re about to spend a year driving to South America in a VW van” wasn’t going to fly at the adoption shelter. I was wrong! They must have seen that we are overdue for a dog, and that we take adopting one seriously, because instead of saying no they said “awesome!”, and Milo was leaving with us one hour later.

Milo seems like he has a really nice personality. He does well on the leash, is already house trained, and loved riding in the Westy today. He’s now sleeping at my feet, as if he’s been my dog for years.

The best part is that he has no idea how lucky he just got. He’s going on the most awesome trip a dog could wish for!

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By jbuhler

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