We had been following the adventures of these two on their blog, The Dangerz, for a while. And for a month or two we had been in touch, hoping we’d be able to run into each other somewhere.
Finally we caught up in La Paz. We were here a bit ahead of schedule because of mechanical problems, they were coming back from going around the tip of the Baja peninsula.
We met for dinner the first night. The pizza place Jen and Bryan suggested was closed, so we went for Mexican food.
Our plan yesterday was to leave La Paz for Todos Santos. The rain had made some roads hard to pass, so after an hour and a half of waiting in traffic to get to the highway, we decided to turn around and return to La Paz for one more night. It turns out we were lucky–the CV joint that we had gotten installed the day before was defective, and it failed noisily, stranding us–get this–not only once we were back in the city, but two blocks away from the mechanic. While pushing the van onto a parking spot, I see a guy run up to the van and start pushing with me. Bryan! He was walking by, saw us, and decided to come to help even before he recognized us.
After getting the Pony fixed, we drove by the coffee shop where Bryan had said they were hanging out. By now it was 6 PM and the rain was getting harder.

So we decided that we’d just sleep in the van that night, and joined them for some drinks and spicy wings. Way better than spending the rest of the day looking for a hotel room!
The streets were rivers when we came back.
It’s now clear and sunny, so we assume the road will be open and we can go on to Todos Santos. Bryan, Jen and their awesome dog Karma will be crossing into the mainland soon, but somehow I have the feeling that it’s not the last time we see these guys. Hope to run into them again south of here!
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