We left San Francisco today.


This is what the last two weeks have looked like.

Cleaning out the apartment, I ate a can of tuna on the exact date of its expiration! That tuna must have been there for four years.

Our family friend from Illinois ironed all of my family’s saris as we got ready for my brother’s wedding in Cupertino. This wedding is pretty much why we are leaving at this point in time.
sari ironing

The day after we got back from the wedding, we got a new dog, Milo. Here he is, conducting his first big business at Crissy Field.

We had many good-bye drinks at many hefty bars.

We had a San Francisco sidewalk sale, aka leaving things outside. This is how we got rid of many books, a keyboard, and our sofa bed.

We packed everything else into a storage unit.

Right now I’m more relieved about the leaving part being finished than about the traveling part beginning. It’ll probably take me a few days to recover from all the moving and taking care of things. By then we’ll be on a sunny beach. Perfect.

Our first night is at my big brother’s place in San Jose. It’s nice to get one more dose of family before we take off. I see my brothers a lot, and I know I’m going to miss them a lot while we’re on the road. I wonder what else I’ll miss.

By steph

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